

What's On


Gentle Beasts summer screenings

Summer screenings and day party

13th August Gentle Beasts are bringing you a creative smorgasbord of an event, combining a selection of short film screenings at the iconic Rio cinema with a music-packed day party at The Three Compasses pub. Both venues within 5 minutes of each other, it's for all lovers of film to descend on Dalston and see what's what. - Along with two other short films it'll be the premier of Victoria …

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Hidden Beast Award

Our script writing opportunity worth over £4000!

The Hidden Beast Award 2021 Winner: Victoria Barber - Sweet Apples. - After the long process of reading through over 300 scripts that were sent to us The Hidden Beast Award 2021 was awarded to Victoria Barber and her short film script 'Sweet Apples'. Victoria is a French-British writer and 'Sweet Apples' is a beautiful story exploring the relationship between a mother and daughter as they …

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